
Skills Training Strengthens Shops, Communities

A poverty-fighting nonprofit serves regional manufacturers as both a pipeline of fresh recruits and an incubator of existing talent.

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Case Study: What Is the Cost of Lost Information?

Making sure all employees are using up-to-date information that is communicated effectively between departments helps save companies both time and money.

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Hiring, Training and Supporting the Workforce in School and on the Job

Virginia’s Rolls-Royce Crosspointe plant shares its strategies for attracting, hiring and supporting its workers, while Danville Community College excels with its integrated machining education model.

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Jenoptik Automotive Opens New Michigan Technology Campus

This 100,000-square-foot facility will be devoted to the production and testing of the company’s automated laser-cutting and gaging solutions for the North American automotive industry.

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Video: Additive Manufacturing Is a Logistics Solution

UPS discusses its use of cloud-networked 3D printers to provide part-making near the point of end use.

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Closing the Loop on Data-Driven Manufacturing

Hexagon’s annual conference highlighted strides in expanding beyond metrology to smart factory connectivity.

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Milling Tools

Amerimold: Moldmaking's Biggest Show Captures Current Metalworking Technology

Many of the emerging developments and key trends in metalworking technology were represented at this show, making it a revealing cross-section of current advances.

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Video: What’s Low-Frequency-Vibration Turning?

Oscillating Z-axis tool motion combined with brief bits of intentional air cutting enables effective chip control and improved tool life on Swiss-type lathes.

Top Shops

Video: Are You a Top Shop?

If you are or if you aspire to be a top shop, come to our conference September 5-7 in Indianapolis, Indiana.


June 2017 Product Spotlight: EDM

This month’s Modern Equipment Review Spotlight focuses on a variety of electrical discharge machining equipment.

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When It Comes to Cybersecurity, Be Scared, but Be Prepared

Warnings about threats to internet-enabled networks in manufacturing plants should be taken seriously without giving in to alarmist overreactions. The risks are real, but manageable, while the benefits are too compelling to forego.

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Improvement Versus Reinvention: Impressions from Virginia

A three-day journey through Virginia shows advanced manufacturing’s concern with pursuing lean principles when facing challenges rooted in the past and arriving on the horizon.

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