CNC Tech Talks

A Balancing Act for Differential Gaging

Differential gaging measures using two devices, which has advantages over standard, comparative measurements using a single sensing head. These include the ability to measure size without regard to position.

George Schuetz
Director of Precision Gages, Mahr Inc.

Strange But True: Odd Things That Happen With CNCs

These oddities in the way a CNC naturally behaves can help explain some rather unusual situations that may occur during machining.

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Obscure CNC Features That Can Help (or Hurt) You

You cannot begin to take advantage of an available feature if you do not know it exists. Conversely, you will not know how to avoid CNC features that may be detrimental to your process.

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4 Reasons to Use Safety Commands

Safety commands help safeguard CNC applications from common programming or operation errors.

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6 Variations That Kill Productivity

The act of qualifying CNC programs is largely related to eliminating variations, which can be a daunting task when you consider how many things can change from one time a job is run to the next.

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6 Ways to Streamline the Setup Process

The primary goal of a setup reduction program must be to keep setup people working at the machine during the entire setup process.

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Automatic Sizing Adjustments for High-Volume Lathe Work

Keeping operators from having to manually make sizing adjustments will free them up to do other things for as long as each finishing tool will last, regardless of how many sizing adjustments it requires.

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Compressed air as a service
715 Series - 5-axis complete machining
Twin-spindle with CHIRON Group - 25 Series

2 Applications When Using Incremental Mode is Better

Incremental mode can be more advantageous when programming sculptured surfaces or for certain hole-machining canned cycle applications.

Mike Lynch
Founder and President, CNC Concepts Inc.

Combining Functions With User-Defined G & M Codes

CNC programmers gain flexibility when using custom macros to define G and M codes themselves.

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4 Ways to Stop a Cycle to Allow Operator Intervention

Completely automatic operation should always be the goal, but there are situations that require operator intervention during the CNC cycle.

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Troubleshooting Differences in Programming Methods, Machine Usage

Regardless of the level of consistency among machines owned by your company, you probably have experienced consistency-related issues. Here are some tips to help solve them.

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Tips for Designing CNC Programs That Help Operators

The way a G-code program is formatted directly affects the productivity of the CNC people who use them. Design CNC programs that make CNC setup people and operators’ jobs easier.

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CNC-Related Features of Custom Macro

CNC-related features of custom macro are separated into two topics: system variables and user-defined G and M codes. This column explores both.

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Computer Programming-Related Features of Custom Macro

Custom macro is an interpreter-based language, meaning that all CNC G code and custom macro commands are executed as the CNC comes across them.

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Paperless Parts
DA300p automation package

4 Commonly Misapplied CNC Features

Misapplication of these important CNC features will result in wasted time, wasted or duplicated effort and/or wasted material.

Mike Lynch
Founder and President, CNC Concepts Inc.

5 Reasons Why You Should Know How to Write Custom Macros

Custom macros enhance what can be done in G-code programs, giving users the ability to code operations that were previously not possible.

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Help Operators Understand Sizing Adjustments

Even when CNCs are equipped with automatic post-process gaging systems, there are always a few important adjustments that must be done manually. Don’t take operators understanding these adjustments for granted.

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The Best Point of Reference for Program Zero Assignment Entries

Correctly specified program zero assignment and coordinate position values enable the CNC to determine how far to move the cutting tool during each positioning motion.

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A Higbee Thread Milling Custom Macro

Higbee threads provide a full thread form at the very start of the thread. The sharp edge is removed during the machining process.

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3 Mistakes That Cause CNC Programs to Fail

Despite enhancements to manufacturing technology, there are still issues today that can cause programs to fail. These failures can cause lost time, scrapped parts, damaged machines and even injured operators.

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A Spiral Milling Custom Macro Using Constant Contouring Feedrate

Helical milling or “spiral” milling are helpful when machining a circular pocket that is much larger than the milling cutter diameter.

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Koma Precision
DN Solutions
Paperless Parts

A User-Created Canned Cycle for Porting Tools

FANUC’s version of parametric programming, Custom Macro, enables you to create your own canned cycles tailored to whatever the application requires.

Mike Lynch
Founder and President, CNC Concepts Inc.

Improve CNC Productivity by Addressing Three Production Issues

To boost a CNC machine’s productivity, prioritize improvements to machine setup time and production runtime.

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7 CNC Parameters You Should Know

Parameters tell the CNC every little detail about the specific machine tool being used, and how all CNC features and functions are to be utilized.

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5 Things CNC Operators Must Know About Sizing Adjustments

For CNC operators, sizing adjustment is an essential skill. Keep these points in mind when training new CNC users.

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A Unique Additive/Subtractive Process for Injection Mold Components

This hybrid machining approach takes advantage of the benefits of deposition 3D printing while using CNC machining to overcome its limitations.

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3 Examples of Machines that Combine Manufacturing Methods

Certain “hybrid” machines combine some form of additive manufacturing with CNC subtractive manufacturing. Columnist Mike Lynch, President of CNC Concepts Inc., explores three types of these machines here.

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Five Areas of CNC Machining to Simplify With G Code

Optimizing G code to make CNC setup and operation simpler is a great way to improve CNC productivity and sometimes prevent errors.

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OASIS Inspection Systems
World Machine Tool Survey
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