

Spreadsheets Enable Calculations Similar to CAM Software

Spreadsheet software can behave like a CAM system.

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For Many Machining Facilities, the Mindset Now Must Be “Radical Automation”

What if there will never, ever be enough talent in your local labor pool to meet the still-growing demand for skilled manufacturing employees? The real challenge might lie in our expectations about how much skilled labor we need. Let IMTS 2018 be the beginning of facing this challenge.

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Reuniting Manufacturing and Design for Effective AM

Designing the build is just as important as designing the part.

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Additive Manufacturing Teaches Designers New Tricks

Considering what is required to design additive parts can illuminate the value of understanding all manufacturing processes, including subtractive ones. 

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Machinability of Additively Manufactured Support Structures

What happens when you cut away thin-walled supports on your AM part?

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The Modular Multi-Gage Concept

Modular, multi-gage measuring devices work with a wide range of workpieces and and are ideal for short-run production in which flexibility and change-over are key.

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10 Takeaways about the Industrial Internet of Things

What will it look like for manufacturing to embrace and make use of interconnected hardware? Here are some clues.

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Even My Accurate Predictions Are Wrong

The future does not come in a straight line. Multiple factors affect one another and the final outcome. My prediction that machine shops would see more composites is playing out, but I missed an important means by which this would happen.

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The Many Possibilities of Additive Manufacturing

Why would anyone want to use additive manufacturing?

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Helping Machine Operators with Math

Requiring machine operators to perform calculations repeatedly has a negative impact on productivity.

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Holding Size with Tight Tolerances

Tolerances of less than 25 microns can be challenging to achieve and hold. Here are some suggestions for holding them for multiple workpieces.

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10 Reasons Why Machine Shops Vary So Much in Quoted Pricing

Many factors explain the potential 10X variation in different shops’ bids for the same machining work.

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