Modern digital comparators often combine the performance of touchscreen phones, LVDTs, digital amplifiers and even small PCs into the size of a standard dial indicator.
When measuring an ID with an indicating plug gage, it is OK to slow down to learn more about the hole being measured and explore for extraneous conditions.
2D measurement systems check specific lines for roughness quality, while a 3D surface analysis provides assurance for a broader area — which can avoid costly process disruptions and bonding failure.
It is important to consider the effects of gage centralization when measuring smaller bores. Selecting the right tool is often based on the bore’s size and tolerance.
Gage capability programs can help analyze the cause of stability problems, but it can be revealing to manually sketch out histogram data to get a pictorial view of what is happening.
Today’s surface gages have a user interface that is just like a smartphone, and setting them up to make measurement requirements should be easy for the operator.
There are many options to choose from when deciding on a dimensional measurement tool. Consider these application-based factors when selecting a measurement solution.