Cutting Tools
Drilling Deep Holes On A VMC
The recipe for best results is simple: Start with a rigid machine, add a high pressure through-the-spindle coolant system, then combine these with the right drill geometry plus the right speeds and feeds.
Read MoreTool Management System Complements DNC
It quickly became apparent to this company that handling the many tools - knowing where the tools were and how many were available - was the horse, and the DNC system was the cart.
Read MoreMulti-Axis Drill Sharpening Made Easy
Today, metalworking is privy to some very remarkable performances by the combination of things mechanical and things electronic--mechtronics. We've seen the reality of lights out shift operations. Programming systems that make what was state of the art 5 years ago seem like writing with a hammer and chisel. An example of the melding of mechtronics is this new drill sharpening system.
Read MoreUsing Helical Interpolation To Make Large-Diameter Holes
Producing a large-diameter hole is a common application for many shops, and there are numerous methods that can be used to achieve the end result. However, there are often numerous obstacles to completing the process cost effectively.
Read MoreRetooling Saves Time And Space
Fermer Precision machines a variety of precision parts from aluminum, cast iron, powdered metal, carbon steel and low-carbon steel for automobiles, firearms, medical products and train brake systems. The company relies on a Mori Seiki SV-500 and two OKK KVC 600 vertical machining centers for drilling, reaming and chamfering operations.
Read MoreGrinding Cell Yields Automatic Rewards
Sheffield, United Kingdom-based tool manufacturer Universal Drilling and Cutting Equipment (UDCE) manufactures a wide range of products for the engineering, fabrication and construction industries, including electro-magnetic drilling systems, broaching cutters, tungsten carbide cutters, industrial cutters and specialized engineering tools.
Read MoreWringing Extra Life From Inserts
Throwing away worn carbide inserts? Then you may be interested in a service that not only resharpens those inserts for added use, but also guarantees that the reclaimed inserts will perform at least as well as brand new ones.
Read MoreBringing Cryogenics In From The Cold
There are numerous cases of significantly improved performance from steel and carbide cutting tools that have undergone cryogenic (deep freeze) treatment. But wide use of the process seems to suffer from a perceived lack of scientific underpinnings.
Read MoreTools For Milling In Z
The fastest way to mill away a lot of material may be to attack it head on with a move in the Z direction.
Read MoreWhen You Need Really Accurate Bores
When bore specifications move beyond the capability of more traditional cutting operations, shops look to honing as the next step in the finish and accuracy continuum. Here you'll find a process that, in some applications, produces better results than honing can.
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