Steven Kline, Jr.

Steven Kline, Jr. Chief Data Officer

June MBI at 45.8 – Contraction Accelerates

With a reading of 45.8, Gardner’s metalworking business index showed that the metalworking industry contracted at a faster rate in June.

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April MBI: Industry Contracts Slightly

With a reading of 48.5, the MBI showed that the metalworking industry contracted slightly in April after growing in March. Since the noticeable contraction in the second half of 2012, the industry has been virtually flat.

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Metalworking Returns to Growth

With a reading of 50.5, Gardner’s metalworking business index showed that business activity in the metalworking industry increased for the first time since June 2012.

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February MBI at 49.6 – Industry Essentially Flat

With a reading of 49.6, Gardner’s metalworking index showed that business activity in the metalworking industry was virtually flat in February 2013 compared to January 2013.

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Metalworking Industry Flattens

With a reading of 49.7, the MBI showed that business activity in the metalworking industry was virtually flat in January 2013 compared with December 2012, but the industry clearly has broken out of the downward trend it began last March.

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Machine Tool Spending Up Again in 2013

Following a strong year for equipment spending by metalworking facilities, next year promises to be even stronger. Here is what we see.

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Metalworking Industry Contraction Flattens

While October’s MBI reading showed that the industry contracted for the fourth month in a row, it appears that there was a slight change in the trend: Growth wasn't contracting as fast as contraction was accelerating.

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Metalworking Industry Moves off Peak Levels

With a reading of 46.6, September’s Metalworking Business Index showed that the metalworking industry contracted for the third month in a row.

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September MBI at 46.6 – Industry Moves off Peak Levels

With a reading of 46.6, September’s Metalworking Business Index showed that the metalworking industry has contracted for the third month in a row.

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Annual Industrial Production Growth Fastest Since February 2011

The consumer durable goods industrial production index for August shows an average level of production with a growing annual rate of change.

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July Machine Tool Orders Slower, 2013 Forecast is Strong

According to USMTO, machine tool orders contracted in July—just the second time since December 2009.

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August Metalworking Business Index: Industry Growth Flattening

Employment continues to increase in the metalworking industry. Supplier deliveries are still lengthening, indicating strength throughout manufacturing, but they are lengthening more slowly.

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