Steven Kline, Jr.

Steven Kline, Jr. Chief Data Officer


MBI Shows Consistent Growth for Industry

With a reading of 54.9, the April metalworking business index showed that the metalworking industry had grown at a fairly consistent rate since October 2011.

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Metalworking Industry Grows in March

March’s metalworking business index (MBI) showed the fastest rate of growth for the industry since September 2011.

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MBI Shows Little Change

February’s MBI indicated that the metalworking industry continued to grow at fairly rapid rate with a reading of 55.9.

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Machine Tool Orders Grow for 18 Consecutive Months

According to USMTO, machine tool orders in January 2012 were 1,771 units and $375,672,000. This was the 18th consecutive month of annual growth for unit and dollar sales.

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Annual Industrial Production Growing at Faster Rate

The consumer durable goods industrial production index reached 91.7 in January 2012, which is the third highest level since June 2008.

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Machine Tool Orders Pick Up at Year End

Machine tool orders in December 2011 reached its second highest in regards to number of units and real dollars sold since March 2008.

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January MBI Grows Faster

Just when you think the metalworking industry is showing signs of a slowdown, it starts revving back up again.

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Annual Industrial Production Growing at 7.5 Percent

A 7.5 percent rate of change in industrial production ranks in the 25 percent of all annual growth rates since 1966.

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Growth Rate Inches Higher

With a reading of 53.1, the December MBI showed that the metalworking industry grew slightly faster compared to November, marking the 29th consecutive month of industry growth.

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Machine Tool Orders Leveling Off

With the exception of September, machine tool sales have hovered around 2,000 units since April 2011. Since 1999, this level of unit sales has indicated a strong machine tool market. So, it is no surprise that sales are starting to level off.

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Industrial Production Up 9.2 Percent from a Year Ago

This author tracks and presents economic data a little differently than Bloomberg. Here's why.

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Machine Tool Orders Remain Strong

October machine tool orders were above 2,000 units for the third consecutive month. The last time that happened was October to December 2007.

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