

MetalQuest - Robotic Automation of a Machine Shop

Robots have helped MetalQuest stay competitive and deal with the skills gap. See how they have integrated high-level automation into all aspects of their shop.


How to Pass the Job Interview as an Employer

Job interviews are a two-way street. Follow these tips to make a good impression on your potential future workforce.

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How to Optimize Operator Efficiency on Any Shop Floor

Striking the perfect balance of person to machine is unique to each shop and can depend on a number of factors, including the type of work a shop undertakes, the available equipment, staffing levels, scheduling and more.

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ESOP Solidifies Culture of Continuous Improvement

Astro Machine Works’ ESOP rewards all employees when the shop does well, inspiring many toward continuous improvement as Astro expands its capabilities.

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Diving Deeper Into Machine Monitoring Data

Data visualization is the first step in using machine monitoring data, but taking it to the next level requires looking for trends within the data.

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Top Shops

Benchmarking: An Invaluable Business Tool

Modern Machine Shop’s Top Shops program shows shops their strengths and opportunities for improvement, and provides recognition for high-performing businesses. 

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A Higbee Thread Milling Custom Macro

Higbee threads provide a full thread form at the very start of the thread. The sharp edge is removed during the machining process.


Calling Home on a Portable Surface Gage

Today’s surface gages have a user interface that is just like a smartphone, and setting them up to make measurement requirements should be easy for the operator.

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An American Manufacturing Story

For manufacturers that choose to move or keep production in the United States, what are the challenges and opportunities that motivate them?

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Robots: Doing More With Less Floorspace

Robotic automation continues to grow more accessible to smaller manufacturers, as the floorspace necessary for these robots shrinks and their uses expand.

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Metalworking Activity Contraction Slows Slightly in January

Most components held steady in January, but new orders and exports showed ever-so-slight slowing of contraction.

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Integration, Automation and Green Tech Highlight JIMTOF 2022

Known as one of the largest machine tool trade shows in the world, the Japan International Machine Tool Fair (JIMTOF) has a reputation for being a machining technology show more than a machine tool sales event. And this year’s show in Tokyo — the first in-person Japanese machine tool trade show in four years — did not disappoint.

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Horn USA
CoroMill Plura Ballnose
IMTS 2024
One-Touch Clamps. No Tools Needed.
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Hyundai WIA SE2600SY
SGS H-Carb