
MachineMetrics Offers Machine Monitoring for Free During Coronavirus Pandemic

The plug-and-play monitoring platform is said to support social distancing and remote work through automated data collection, monitoring and analytics.


MachineMetrics is offering free access to its Internet of Things platform for remote machine monitoring. The offer goes to shops involved with the production of ventilator parts, test equipment, protective equipment (PPEs) or other manufacturing support in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. 

“By enabling mobile workers, industrial companies are better able to ensure the safety of their workers while continuing to serve their customers. Many of our customers are on the front lines delivering solutions during this crisis; MachineMetrics is committed to supporting the front-line worker on the manufacturing floor and in the medical field,” the company says.

The plug-and-play monitoring platform is said to support social distancing and remote work through automated data collection; remote production, maintenance, and service monitoring; mobile alerts and notifications; and analytics for optimizing scheduling and staffing decisions.

MachineMetrics is also offering its manufacturing consulting services free of charge. The service is designed to support training, use case consultation and continuous improvement activities for ramping up production.

“Over the coming days/weeks, our data science team will be focusing their efforts on reporting the impact of the coronavirus on the manufacturing industry,” the company adds. “We’ll be making this information regularly available on our blog and through social media with the goal of providing as much insight as we can to our customers and the manufacturing community as a whole.”

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