Matt Danford Former Senior Editor
Can Sharing CNC Data Lift the Machining Industry?
Masses of anonymous metrics arrive ahead of even the leading economic indicators and help machine shops benchmark performance.
Read MoreIn a Machine Shop, the Labor of Lean is Data-Driven
Approximating single-piece flow in a job shop environment requires an ongoing commitment to analyzing and acting on evidence.
Read MoreWhat Makes Smart Robots Smart?
How manufacturing technology “thinks,” and the extent to which it should, are critical considerations in applying artificial intelligence intelligently.
Read MorePandemic Proves Value of Manufacturing Software Automation
Fast turnaround of a face shield and a ventilator illustrate the value of digital, data-driven manufacturing processes in responding to the novel coronavirus.
Read MoreMold Maker Announces 5-Part Coronavirus Response
Plans for protecting people and lead times alike involve not only concrete action, but also clear communication.
Read MoreCoronavirus Demands a Data-Driven Response
CNC machining businesses are justifiably concerned about the COVID-19’s effect on metalworking supply chains, but they are not helpless. Data illuminate the path ahead.
WatchRobots Get Hand-Eye Coordination
Artificial vision, touch and intelligence help collaborative robots cope with the unpredictable.
Read More3D Printing’s Value-Add Keeps Adding Up
Additive manufacturing impacts every stage of production at this flexible yet highly automated CNC machining business.
Read MoreManufacturing Blockchain Adoption Accelerates
A recent partnership exposes more CNC machining businesses to a technology that could automate the front office.
Read MoreWorkholding Material Conforms to 3D Surfaces
A porous, easily sculpted material provides even vacuum gripping force throughout the entire contact area with the workpiece.
WatchMachine Monitoring Provides an Objective Lens
Automatic, real-time shopfloor data collection tempers the bias that blinds manufacturers to the real reasons for downtime.
Read MoreCNC Data Unleashes Shop Management System
Machine monitoring evolves from a progress-tracking tool to a foundational element of quoting, scheduling and process planning.