Workforce Development

Robotic Cell Provides Welding Training

The Swift Arc ML available from ESAB Welding & Cutting Products is an enclosed robotic welding system intended for education and training.

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The Inside Track

For many shops, the best source of new business is existing customers. Is the best source of new talent your existing employees?

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Human Capital

This shop’s attention to process improvement led it to recognize and appreciate the largest source of unrealized potential in the company: the employees. Now, employee improvement is a priority in the plant manager’s role, and training has become a systemized part of the process.

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A Robot Designed to Teach Humans

A mobile robotic welding system from Esab enables on-site training in welding and robot programming.

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CNC Grinding with Less Labor

As difficult as it is to find skilled machining personnel in general, finding skilled grinding personnel is more difficult still.

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Another School “Real Shop” Example

Learn about a manufacturing education program that functions as a student-run machining business.

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MMS Visits Workshops for Warriors

While helping veterans, Workshops for Warriors is simultaneously helping manufacturers with challenge of finding qualified personnel.

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Training CNC Machine Operators

Include specific instruction that targets entry-level workers.

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Emag Supports Michigan Manufacturing Education

The company is participating in two training initiatives.

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Labor Savings in Grinding

Representatives of a grinding equipment supplier comment on how this critical process can be made more efficient.

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