Star SU Launches Custom Gundrill Designed to Reduce Tool Drift
The custom Double-Contour, Single-Flute Gundrill features an extended carbide-length head that reduces tool drift for the length of the cut.
Star SU, part of the Star Cutter family of companies, has announced its new custom Double-Contour, Single-Flute Gundrill with an extended carbide-length head feature. According to the company, this special tool design has proven to reduce tool drift for the length of the cut, providing total indicator runout (TIR) readings from entry of the part to the exit.
The machining improvements are achieved by a special cutting drill contour with an added rear contour configuration that acts like a guide pad while the drill remains in the bushing, keeping the tool on location. Once the drill is in the cut, these guide pads continue to force the tool to cut a straight path for the remainder of operation. This contour technology is also available in Star SU’s single-flute gundrills; solid carbide single-flute gundrills; and two-flute, two-hole, milled-style gundrills.
In addition to machining titanium, these drills are also said to be successful in machining cast iron, aluminum, stainless steel, Inconel and 4140/4150V steels.
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