
Important Versus Urgent

Don’t let the search for manufacturing staff today distract you from the potential for developing employees tomorrow.

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There Is a Sieve in Your Roughness Gage

For analysis purposes, filters are used to separate wavelengths into roughness and waviness. The cutoff value functions like a sieve to separate these wavelengths.

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SPC Reporting in Manual Post-Process Gaging

In a turning center, a manual post-process gaging system can include statistical process control (SPC) reporting.

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A Few Interesting CNC-Related Websites

Here is a list of websites I frequently use to solve CNC-related problems and learn more about the subject.

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Gaging Computers: Doing More with Less

Giving operators a single user interface that implements all aspects of gaging helps them become more productive and reduces the potential for error.

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Comparative Gages and Temperature Compensation

The use of electronic temperature compensation in gaging has become a valuable tool in improving accuracy as well as gage repeatability and reproducibility (GR&R) in harsh manufacturing environments.

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Going To The Extremes

When most of us think about measurement environments, what generally comes to mind are pleasant laboratories with temperatures controlled to 68°F/20°C—plus or minus a degree or two. Or in the worst case, we picture a gaging shop with swings of temperature between 65° and 90° F.

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A Flexible Turret Index Position

The cutting tools in your turning centers change on a regular basis. To minimize tool change time during setups, many setup people will simply load the tools required for the new job and leave tools in the turret from the last job as long as they don't interfere with the new job.

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Combining Absolute And Incremental Motions

While we agree that the absolute mode should be your positioning mode of choice for most applications, there are times when incremental mode can be quite helpful. Repeating motions within a subprogram, for example, is one excellent example.

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Gaging Countersunk And Chamfered Holes

While countersunk and chamfered holes are similar in appearance, functionally they are quite different. Consequently, different gages exist to serve these different functional requirements.

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A Realistic Definition Of Cycle Time

Many people determine cycle time by measuring cycle start to cycle start time. As the operator presses the cycle start button, he or she starts the stopwatch.

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Never Forget The Basics

We spend a lot of time in this column discussing sophisticated gages and out-of-the-ordinary applications—so much so, that perhaps we've lately been neglecting the basics. After all, the fanciest electronics, computers and software won't deliver accurate results if good gaging practice is absent.

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