
Accessing Parameter Values from within Programs

A new parameter reading function gives CNC programs more intelligence, enabling them to behave as you need them to.

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The Podcast’s Larger Message

“Making Chips,” a podcast focused on metalworking, just finished its first full year of episodes. Its creators are two manufacturing business owners demonstrating the value of following an interest and doing something different.

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Things Change Even When They Remain the Same

The key to maintaining the quality of long-run parts is regular spot-checking.

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The Limits of Prediction

Forecasts about the future derive all of their information from the present.

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Where the Contact Meets the Part

Understanding aspects of the contact point should boost gaging accuracy.

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Documenting within CNC

Including messages directly in the program can help operators run it accurately.

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Automation's Essence

The greater achievement is the clarity and care, not the hardware.

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Monitoring Spindle-On Time

Custom macro can help you easily track a CNC machine’s productivity.

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Building Your Own Calibration Process

Tailor your procedures, but conduct them regularly, to keep your measuring equipment working properly.

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Opening Up as Standard Practice

How difficult would it be to offer periodic facility tours to the local public? Perhaps not difficult at all. By comparison, the rewards that might come of this could be considerable.

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A Random Conglomeration of Gaging Tips

Consider these guidelines to improve your measurement results.

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Custom Macro Enhancements

This parametric programming version hasn’t changed much over the years, but there have been some important updates.

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