CNC surface grinding is a critical component of this shop's systematic approach in the manufacturing of multicavity molds to extremely high tolerances.
He is both an old toolmaker and a modern businessman. He knows that he knows a lot, even though his wisdom is almost completely lost on the general public.
Most of us have a tendency to look forward or backward when it comes to thinking about good times. It never seems to be now, either because somebody just doesn't do something as well as "they used to" or because that big break we've been looking for hasn't yet presented itself.
The ability to import complex curves into CNCs promises to let shops finally get beyond old limitations imposed by contouring with linear interpolation. Faster and smoother cutting will be the result.
As my eight-year-old son's baseball season was finally drawing to a close, it got me thinking more than a little about learning.
It's remarkable how far the team progressed this year.
You'll have to change your NC programming strategy for high speed machining. Here are some quick tips, and some features to look for in your CAM system.
New CAM systems are not just making shopfloor programming of 3D mold cores and cavities practical, they're making it easy. Here's a look at the technology and how two Detroit tool shops are making off-line and shopfloor programming work together.
While it seems a little strange to use this space to talk about our next issue, there are a couple of new things coming up that we want to tell you about. First, the August MMS will be a very special issue focused on the concepts and practice of high speed machining.
Many people think flexible machining cells are for high production, but this shop finds just the opposite. Here's how they've grown their cell to meet the needs of their work.
At a recent meeting of the Association For Manufacturing Technology, Daniel Burrus had some interesting things to say about change and technology. A noted author and consultant, Burrus' main point is that companies should do more than adopt new technology as it comes along.