George Schuetz

George Schuetz Director of Precision Gages

Beyond The Height Gage And Surface Plate

What can take low-volume, precision inspection to the next level? For many years now, the method of choice for low-volume, general-purpose inspection has been surface plate work using test indicators and height gages. Recently, electronic height gages have made the layout inspection process a little more accurate.

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Standardize the Measurement Process

How many times have you heard assembly personnel complain that incoming parts are consistently out of spec or parts that were shipped good now measure bad? During the manufacturing cycle, many people will look at the part to determine whether it meets the specification. Typically, these could include the machinist producing the part, a QC person, an incoming inspector at the company using the part, and finally another inspector who may be responsible for evaluating the manufactured part’s performance within an assembly.

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Starting From Zero

Writing ’00 instead of ’99 reminds me of the importance of zeroing out the measuring instrument or gage before starting to make a measurement. Zeroing sets a reference point from which all subsequent measurements are made.

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Micrometers: Measuring Under The Influence

The biggest problem with micrometers, some of the most popular and versatile precision hand-held measuring tools on the shop floor, is that measurements are subject to variations from one operator to another. There are two types of influences that contribute to this variation: "feel," or inconsistent gaging force, and subjective factors.

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Dial Comparators Bridge The Resolution Gap

Although high resolutions approaching 20 microinches/0. 5 micrometer would normally be reserved for an electronic amplifier with high performance electronics, there may still be reasons to prefer a mechanical measurement tool.

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Going To The Extremes

When most of us think about measurement environments, what generally comes to mind are pleasant laboratories with temperatures controlled to 68°F/20°C—plus or minus a degree or two. Or in the worst case, we picture a gaging shop with swings of temperature between 65° and 90° F.

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Calipers: Ideal For Measurement On The Go

Although it has been around for a long time, the caliper is still an extremely versatile and useful tool for making a range of distance measurements (both ODs and IDs). While micrometers are more accurate, they have a limited measurement range (typically several inches).

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Machine Compensation

Ever since electronics first made their way onto machine tools, machine builders and users have tried to achieve some level of "automatic" process control. Certain causes of dimensional variation in machined parts—tool wear, for instance—occur gradually.

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Perfect Gaging In An Imperfect World

It is certainly not news that, more and more, gages are being forced out onto the shop floor. Tight-tolerance measurements that were once performed in a semi-clean room by a trained inspection technician are now being done right next to the machine, often by the machinist.

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Operating Characteristics And Calibration Curves

Gage accuracy is described by a number of concepts, including repeatability, linearity, calibration, and "accuracy" itself. The Operating Characteristics (OC) curve presents an easy way to visualize what these terms mean, and how they are interrelated.

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Checking For Centralization And Balance Errors

Air gaging is often referred to as a non-contact form of measurement. This is accurate, to the extent that there's no metal-to-metal contact between a sensitive gage component and the workpiece.

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Gaging Countersunk And Chamfered Holes

While countersunk and chamfered holes are similar in appearance, functionally they are quite different. Consequently, different gages exist to serve these different functional requirements.

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