
The Myth of GDP

We might be getting poorer while we imagine we’re getting richer.

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Beyond 500,000

Is there still a direct connection between manufacturing and “manufacturing jobs”? Whatever the answer, manufacturing is still a job creator.

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Labor Is Local

That’s one issue. Two others are “stretch” and cyclicality. Together they explain why manufacturing wages haven’t caught up with the demand for labor. What happens when they do?

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There’s a Place Like This for You, Too

We created a video to give school-age kids an authentic look at the world of a manufacturing engineer. Here is what I hope my kids will see.

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Bullish on U.S. Machining

An investment fund seeks returns by buying shops and equipping them to succeed.

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On the Election

Looking for lessons in the November election outcome, here is what I find.

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The Cost of Doing Business

Developing skilled employees internally is expensive, but not doing so might be more expensive still.

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Watch and Learn

These videos share ideas that might be relevant to the challenges your shop is facing.

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Look Like a Leader

What distinguishes the best-performing shops? Here are my impressions.

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Leave the Average Productivity Behind

Official measures of U.S. manufacturing productivity are overstated. Productivity at the extremes is the real story.

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