Workforce Development

How Manufacturers Can Develop Their Workforce When There's Little In The Till

It's a challenging time for manufacturers. Fluctuating sales and changing customer demands require companies to become more flexible than ever.

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Don't Miss Out On Half The Workforce

We all know good apprentices and apprentice candidates are difficult to find. Are you overlooking a significant part of the population when you seek and recruit potential employees? Would you be surprised to learn that extremely talented and qualified apprentices have been told directly by some employers that they "do not hire women for the toolroom?" Women are underrepresented in manufacturing, especially in the higher skilled precision metalworking positions.

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Training Those Who Sell And Operate Machinery

The plight of many domestic metalworking companies across the United States today is not a result of improperly employing technology and processes, but of finding qualified and trained employees. In fact, this resonates strongly across the diverse spectrum of manufacturing and continues to be the largest issue confronting the ongoing viability of the United States to effectively compete in the global marketplace.

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Standard Jobs Beyond Standard Speed

This job shop is defining the role of extremely high spindle speed in variable-volume, variable-part-number production.

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Live Internet Training—Are We There Yet?

Over the last 10 years, I've been scouring the Internet in search of a realistic training environment that would be appropriate for my CNC courses. While I've found a number of informative sites (that are listed on my company's Web page under "links"), most are simply a series of hypertext links that let you read about the subject of interest.

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Training Time

The graying of skilled metalworkers adds impetus to the growth of standardized training programs.

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Virtual Tools For Real Training

In machine shops across the nation, operators increasingly rely on virtual part data instead of blueprints. Given their prowess in manipulating three-dimensional objects and simulating mechanical operations, why couldn't computers also be used to provide aspiring metalworkers with their own pre-flight training?

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Tools To Help You Build A Skilled Workforce

Last April, in a column I wrote for this page, I proposed actions that shop owners, skilled machinists and government leaders could take to help assure a strong U. S.

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Reinventing The Robot For The Job Shop

A compact robot that rolls out of the way when not needed/wanted provides the perfect solution to this shop's automation needs.

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Tooling University

Tooling University  Arguably the most serious problem facing our industry is the lack of qualified machining professionals. Well sir, there is a new, Web-based system that not only looks to improve things in this regard but also to turn online training on its ear.

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