Inspection and Measurement

Auto OEM Grinds 8,000 Parts Per Hour To +/-2 Microns

A new industrial controller this company is integrating with its high-precision centerless grinders is helping a Big 3 automaker turn out precision parts at 8,000 per hour.

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Down To The Micron, Up To The Stars

A souped-up CMM helps this shop machine to tolerances measured in single-digit microns. And the machine tool they're using is out of this world.

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Moldmaker Finds Expanded Role Beyond Just The "Making"

The moldmaker as a provider of end-product design support may seem like a violation of the natural order, but this company has established precisely that role for itself.

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Bore Gage Becomes Key In Quality Control Program

A state of the art bore gage, intensified training programs and extensive machine tool maintenance regimes are making it possible for Eskridge, Inc.--a machine shop specializing in rotation drives, planetary gear boxes and fail-safe brakes--to shorten delivery times, boost part accuracy, improve overall product quality and increase employee efficiency.

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Improving Machine Tool Linear Accuracy With Laser Scales

Aerospace machine tools are flying high with accuracy enhanced by laser scales and thermal compensation. The same technology promises to benefit machine tools in other industries.

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Adaptable Chameleon Fits Shop Floor Needs

A precise definition of workpiece dimensions is critical for process control applications. The more data available, the better the process can be adjusted to keep manufactured parts within tolerance.  

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Ballbars Will Keep Your CMM Honest

It is obvious that no one can afford to do a complete calibration of their CMM every day, but everyone can afford to do a seven minute interim check every day, or a least every Monday morning. This should be done using an artifact that encompasses the volume of the machine that is generally used.  

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Flexible Machining Calls For Flexible Gaging

Where flexibility and versatility are the rule, it should apply not only to machine tools but also to shop-floor metrology equipment. For this contract shop, a modular, flexible gaging system for shaft-like parts helps keep the company agile.  

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Measuring Part Geometry On The Shop Floor

Measuring workpiece dimensions is relatively simple for machine operators but measuring workpiece geometry which involves more complex comparisons of part shape to an ideal shape--is now also practical on the shop floor. The gaging equipment for doing this is coming down in price while becoming easier to use.

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Do-It-Yourself Machine Inspection

Affordable technology is available that allows shops to dynamically model the accuracy characteristics of their machine tools. Here's how these inspection devices work, and what they can reveal about your production equipment.

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See WENZEL at IMTS booth 134718
CHIRON Group, one stop solution for manufacturing.
High Accuracy Linear Encoders
OASIS Inspection Systems
World Machine Tool Survey
MMS Made in the USA
See WENZEL at IMTS booth 134718