CNC & Machine Controls

Beyond DNC

  Though much work has been done to optimize DNC to support high feed rates, there is yet a better alternative for many applications. This is an introduction to the ultimate DNC--the elimination of DNC! This is an introduction to direct CNC networking (DCN).

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Moldmaker Caps Bottle Mold Production Time With 'Continuous Path' Scanner

Replacing tracer machining with scanning and digitizing at 1,000 points per second improves mold quality, eliminates patternmaking to reduce pre-machining time, and permits tool path generation through CAM to cut machining time by 40 percent.

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An Incremental Approach To Generative NC

This Air Force production facility is automating NC programming to dramatically reduce the time required to model and manufacture emergency replacement parts. Their "virtual factory" approach models part and process concurrently.

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Mitsubishi Electric
IMTS 2024
DNS Financial Services America
MMS Made in the USA
CNC Turnkey Package for Knee Mills and Lathes