QualiChem Metalworking Fluids

Paper Filter Extends Cutting Fluid Life

Capable of processing as much as 130 gpm, PRAB’s Paperbed filter is suitable for ferrous and nonferrous metals, as well as organic and inorganic contaminants such as glass, rubber and plastic.


Capable of processing as much as 130 gpm, PRAB’s Paperbed filter is suitable for ferrous and nonferrous metals, as well as organic and inorganic contaminants such as glass, rubber and plastic. The filter is available with low- to medium-stock media and can also be equipped with an integral magnetic separator for larger-particle capture of ferrous metals. The drum-type paper bed filter requires less floor space than a traditional filter unit, and can help reduce operating costs by recycling and reusing spent coolant. Additionally, filtering coolant and metalworking fluids helps to control bacteria and improve quality of finished parts, the company says. 

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