Mobile, Modular Filtration Unit Processes Soluble Cutting Oils
Gadra Enterprises’ Siebec Minipure mobile filtration unit has a modular construction to enable combining various technologies in order to treat and recycle different kinds of industrial effluents.
Gadra Enterprises’ Siebec Minipure mobile filtration unit has a modular construction to enable combining various technologies in order to treat and recycle different kinds of industrial effluents. Modules include pre-filtration, filtration, oil extraction, activated carbon treatment and ion-exchange resin treatment, with flow rates ranging from 5 to 40 m3/hr. These stations enable continuous treatment of soluble cutting oils for machines and wastewater in washing stations.
The filtration unit can be used in a variety of applications, including aluminum, cast iron and steel machining, plastics and composite machining, deep-hole drilling, EDM, and waterjet cutting. According to the company, the Minipure’s advantages include control of cutting conditions, improved part quality, increased cutting fluid lifetime and reduced consumption, decreased chances of machine filter clogging, and increased productivity by eliminating tank cleaning operations and machine downtime.