Ingersoll Cutting Tools

Gas-Fired Oven Cures Brake Friction Materials

Grieve offers its No. 940 gas-fired 500°F (260°C) walk-in oven with top-mounted heating chamber, currently used for curing brake friction materials at customer facilities.


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Grieve offers its No. 940 gas-fired 500°F (260°C) walk-in oven with top-mounted heating chamber, currently used for curing brake friction materials at customer facilities. The oven is heated at 400,000 Btu/hr. by a modulating natural-gas burner inside the oven, while 700,000 Btu/hr. are installed in a modulating natural gas afterburner. The oven’s initial exhaust passes through the 1,400°F afterburner. A 6,000-cfm, 5-hp recirculating blower provides combination airflow to the workload.

The workspace measures 72" × 96" × 78". The oven’s insulated walls are 4" thick and feature an aluminized steel interior and exterior. The oven includes all safety equipment required by IRI, FM and NFPA Standard 96 for gas-heated equipment, including a 650-cfm, ½-hp forced exhauster. 

Controls on No. 872 include digital-indicating temperature controllers and a 10" diameter circular chart recorder.

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Ingersoll Cutting Tools