Workholding from Mate Precision Technologies

Collet Adaptor For Lathes


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The HCAC Collet Adaptation Chucks offer collet capability to jaw-chuck lathes. Benefits are said to be faster job chaneover with the use of collets, higher spindle speeds for reduced cycle times, more work envelope to machine longer workpieces, increased capability with interchangeable tyle "S" mater pads, exact part length control and improved concentricity. The lathes will collet adaptation chucks can operate with speeds up to 10,000 rpms. The product is available as plain nose, stepped nose, stye "S" master, spindle-tospindle, Dead-length, B65 and Dead-Length Scroll styles. Link-ups can be designed and manufactured by the company to fit specific machine requirements. The same link-up can then be used for the entier line of workholding elements including internal Sure Grip applications. Available for most brands of lathesincluding Bridgeport, Cincinnati, Clasuing, Daewoo, FEMCO, HAAS, hitachi Seiki, Hardinge Talent, Hyundai, KIA, Leadwell, Mazak, Methods, Miyano, Mori-Seiki, Okuma, Takisawa, Wasino and others.

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