Multi-axis machining with Fusion

CAM, Simulation Software Enhances Port Machining Toolpaths

ModuleWorks has released the 2015.12 version of its CAM software, which includes new features for five- and three-axis programming as well as simulation.


ModuleWorks has released the 2015.12 version of its CAM software, which includes new features for five- and three-axis programming as well as simulation.

For five-axis programming, a new “extend curve” feature automatically extends curves when a surface extends beyond the ends of a curve. This feature prevents unwanted wrap-around of the toolpath, improving the pattern and saving time by eliminating the need to manually extend the curves, the company says. The software also includes enhanced automatic spine creation for port machining. If the spine gets too close to the machining surface at any point, the toolpath with full collision checking is created up to that point. A new projection method for geodesic machining projects the containment curve in the surface normal direction for the selected machining surfaces.

New trimming criteria for three-axis programing provide more efficient processing of cusps near the containment curve by preserving all the cuts where the tool contact points are inside it. A “multiple stock to leave” feature enables users to define different rest material thicknesses for different machining surfaces. According to the company, this is useful for die/mold production that involves multiple machining steps with heat treatment in between. In the case of multiple machining surface offsets, the enhanced roughing algorithms speed up roughing calculation.

For simulation, an automatic quality-improvement feature refines the accuracy of the stock model whenever the cutting simulation is idle. This improves accuracy and saves time because there is no need for manual refinement. Additionally, the software now gives users the option to make spindle clamps transparent when the spindle is rotating. 

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