Horn USA

Seco Offers Free Cast Iron Insert Samples

Cutting tool manufacturer Seco (Troy, Michigan) is offering free samples of its new TK Grade inserts for cast iron turning applications at tkpromo.secotools.com.   The grades feature the company’s Duratomic coating technology to enable faster, more aggressive cutting with longer tool life.


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Cutting tool manufacturer Seco (Troy, Michigan) is offering free samples of its new TK Grade inserts for cast iron turning applications at tkpromo.secotools.com.
The grades feature the company’s Duratomic coating technology to enable faster, more aggressive cutting with longer tool life. First introduced in 2006, the Duratomic process involves manipulating aluminum and oxygen at an atomic level to create a harder, tougher and smoother insert surface. This improves productivity, surface finish, tool life and overall cutting capability, the company says. In addition to increasing the physical durability of the insert, Duratomic technology is also said to provide superior thermal control to maximize process stability.
The grades are available in 211 inserts with various geometries and chip grooves for applicability across a broad range of operations.
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