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Missler, Okuma Collaborate on Posts

Other important capabilities of the software tailored specifically for Okuma machines include simulation and spindle synchronization.


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Missler Software has announced close worldwide collaboration with Okuma to guarantee the delivery of machine tool and CAM software pairings that work together.
Because Okuma develops its own machines and controls, a major focus of this collaboration is on developing base postprocessors. According to Missler Software, these posts make the Topsolid’Cam CAM systemparticularly well-suited for driving Okuma’s complex multitasking machines. Other important elements of the software include machine simulation, collision check, spindle synchronization, raw part updating and visualization of material removal. The software is capable of operations including piloting turning; two- and three-axis milling; four- and five-axis simultaneous milling; as well as combining the aforementioned strategies.
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