GWS Tool Group

Military Credentialing Program Uses NIMS Standards

The19-week training course is based on the NIMS curriculum.


Leaders-In background

The Combined Arms Support Command supports the professional growth of service members through the U.S. Army Ordnance School’s Allied Trade Specialist (91E) course. The 19-week course provides training in machining and welding equivalent to a two-year technical school degree.
The machining portion of the course is based on the National Institute of Metalworking Skills (NIMS) curriculum, the national standard in the manufacturing industry. Students are enrolled in the NIMS database when they begin the course and can earn up to five credentials by the end of the course. The program trains 500 students annually from the Army, Army National Guard, Army Reserve and U.S. Marine Corps. The credentialing initiative is in support of a Presidential Task Force which promotes civilian credentialing for service members to enhance their employment opportunities as veterans.
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