Jet Edge Cuts “Diggers” Logo
During the opening of every episode of “Diggers,” a new National Geographic TV show, treasure hunters Tim Saylor and George Wyant dig up a rusty metal logo that looks like it has been in the ground for years.
During the opening of every episode of “Diggers,” a new National Geographic TV show, treasure hunters Tim Saylor and George Wyant dig up a rusty metal logo that looks like it has been in the ground for years. In reality, the ¼-inch steel part was cut relatively recently on an X-Stream-powered High Rail Gantry abrasive waterjet system from Jet Edge (St. Michael, Minnesota).
To distress the part and encourage faster rusting, Jet Edge’s test lab crew ran a fan-tipped waterjet head over the finished part to rough up the surface, then raised the water level in the tank and let the part soak overnight on top of metal slats. The part was then sprinkled with sidewalk salt and left on the slats for another day to continue rusting.