GibbsCAM Develops 1,000th Multitasking Post
GibbsCAM software developer Gibbs and Associates (Moorpark, California), a Cimatron company, recently announced that it has developed its thousandth multitasking (MTM) machine postprocessor.
GibbsCAM software developer Gibbs and Associates (Moorpark, California), a Cimatron company, recently announced that it has developed its thousandth multitasking (MTM) machine postprocessor. Each of the 1,000 postprocessors is uniquely developed and configured for a specific MTM machine/control combination, representing machines from nearly 60 manufacturers.
According to the company, this landmark is significant for two reasons. First, the use of MTMs is increasing rapidly because of the productivity of these machines. Second, one of MTM users’ biggest challenges is obtaining postprocessors that generate code that optimizes the machines’ efficiency; takes advantage of all available control options; and accommodates shop-process preferences; all of which are critical to minimizing part production costs.