Peter Zelinski

Peter Zelinski Editorial Director

High Speed Machining = Automation

Strategic use of labor, not the speed itself, is the point of HSM.

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Micro Milling At 1/2 Million RPM

Researchers aim to develop a spindle that accounts for the differences between macro and micro machining.

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Thinking Outside The Cut

A Silicon Valley manufacturer's survival strategy involves closer relationships with customers, and high speed machining is crucial to this. The shop pays particular attention to the process factors that affect high speed machining before the cut takes place.

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How Important Is Technology?

The first year we devoted a special issue to high speed machining was 1997. The climate could not be more different today.

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Moving Parts, Moving Data, Keeping People

This Plant's labor-saving automation includes hardware for updating CNC offsets to adjust for gradual process changes. When the plant adopted its automated system, management thought carefully about the impact on staffing.

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Room To Maneuver

An article this month (Moving Parts, Moving People, Keeping People) took me to a region of the country I had never visited before. I knew what to expect, however—a straight shot by interstate from the airport to my destination, chain hotels and restaurants all along the way, and congenial, helpful people practically anywhere I stopped.

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Deep Thinking

A job shop that specializes in gundrilling points out the special requirements of machining deep holes.

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Addition Through Subtraction

The American Precision Museum in Windsor, Vermont, has historic machine tools on display. So does the Cincinnati History Museum.

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Automation's Extended Reach

The experience of a Windsor mold shop offers an object lesson in machine shop automation. In an interconnected process, automating one aspect of the process offered benefits beyond what the initial planning had led the shop to expect.

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Adding Value In America's Future

Shop owners worried about manufacturing in America often express two concerns. One is personal: Will my own shop survive? The other is broader: Can America still thrive with so much manufacturing being sent to other countries? The concerns are linked.

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Six Advantages Of Horizontal High Speed Machining

Large monolithic aircraft parts may be machined more productively one at a time instead of three at once.

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Cash For Quality

A small change in the process can dramatically affect the performance of an expensive piece of equipment. Shops that know this look for ways to refine their process variables.

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