Peter Zelinski

Peter Zelinski Editorial Director

They Want Dollars

A colleague told me something interesting about a business trip to China in the 1980s. The Chinese had two types of yuan, he said.

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The Case For Testing Tools

Do you run tool tests? That is, do you try different cutters from time to time, evaluating them in trial cuts against your existing tooling? Shops that do these trials often don’t have to pay for the test tooling. While I can’t speak for your situation or your tool supplier, I can say that free sample tooling is a not-unheard-of phenomenon.

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Learn Before Lifting

A safety feature on this magnetic lifter determines whether the load falls within the safe capacity of the device.

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Turning Tools

Cermets Get Assertive

The toughness of this material has improved. Today, the applications for cermet inserts go well beyond finishing.

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How To Succeed At Failure

Your cutting tool’s failure mode may be telling you what to change about the process. Not every failure mode is the same, and one mode is preferable to all the others.

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The Me In Media

If you flip through this magazine from time to time, then I am a part of the media from your perspective. I don’t feel like “the media,” but I can’t deny that it’s true; I am a part of the communication deluge that presses through every corner of your 21st-century life.

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Cell Realizes Multilevel Savings

A three-tier flexible cell let this plant bring its build-to-order strategy to low-quantity parts. The cell realizes savings in terms of time, labor cost and responsiveness.

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Milling On A Grinding Machine

A grinding machine is not a machining center, but it can sometimes take on milling and drilling (or even turning) to make the overall process more efficient.

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Rethinking Redundancy

Series production is a more economical choice today, says this supplier of machining systems. Machining technology is now reliable enough that parallel production may represent a costly level of excess in high-volume production.

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Custom Program Instead Of A Custom Fixture

This software rewrites a posted NC file to adapt the program to the location and orientation of the part, potentially eliminating the need for complex fixturing.

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An Inside View Of Outside Advice

Earlier this year, I wrote a column about a pattern I had observed. Personnel from various shops had expressed the distrust they feel toward equipment and tooling suppliers that emphasize their metalworking expertise.

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The In-Cycle Enabler

To achieve 144 hours per week of in-cycle time on its machining centers, this plant relies on software that offers a clear, colorful, real-time view of where the time losses are occurring.

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Horn USA
Hyundai WIA SE2600SY
IMTS 2024
One-Touch Clamps. No Tools Needed.
SGS H-Carb
IMTS 2024