Shop owners and managers occasionally address this question for young people thinking of entering the metalworking field. And from time to time, those owners and managers may ask themselves the same question.
Making the best use of limited resources helped this shop bounce back from a flood. Now the shop's most important process-improvement tool is the software it bought to manage the flow of information.
With this new DNC product, users no longer have to pay an up-front cost for the hardware and software. Instead, they pay only an annual fee-in essence a subscription to DNC.
When the CNC executes the program faster, a higher feed rate becomes possible. Precisely this benefit has compelled many mold makers in particular to inquire about NURBS.
In a mold shop, the model of the customer's part gets used in two parallel processes. One of these is core and cavity machining, in which CAM software generates complex tool paths to let CNC machining cut the shape of the part in metal.
What is truly frightening about global warming is not the prospect of temperatures rising, but the zeal with which so many seem ready to beat down human industry in response to a hypothetical idea.
When the time came to begin thinking about what to include in our latest special issue on high speed machining, I imagined an introductory article titled something like "High Speed Machining Comes of Age. " What was a relatively new idea several years ago is now much more widely known.