Step into the Map
The MyShow kiosks offer users a friendly interface to look up directions, search for booths and exhibitors, and find manufacturers of certain products.
Visitors who need assistance finding a specific exhibit or booth at IMTS 2018, or who simply need to know where they are in McCormick Place, can use one of 70 MyShow kiosks located throughout the event space. The kiosks offer users a friendly interface to look up directions, search for booths and exhibitors, find manufacturers of certain products, plan visits to conferences and events, and print event tickets and itineraries free of charge.
When first logging on to one of the kiosks, users see menu buttons for exhibitors, products, featured exhibitors, the MyShow Planner and a facility overview. To see an interactive map of McCormick Place, users can click the facility overview button. Fom there, the “Where Am I?” dropdown menu at the top, right-hand side of the screen can help attendees find their specific location. To search for a booth, users can press the exhibitors, products or featured exhibitors buttons, depending on search terms. The MyShow Planner button enables users to create and view a list of starred exhibitors or events, which can then be printed for free.