YCM Alliance

Passing the Baton

Production Machining Editor-in-Chief Chris Koepfer’s son recently got married. He remarked that raising a kid is similar to mentoring a co-worker. Successful efforts in both roles help bring hope to the future.


My son, Chirstopher, recently got married. Here is a picture of our happy family at the wedding.

Parenting involves raising our children. When we help teach our co-workers, we call it mentoring. In many ways, these two things are similar. It is the successful efforts of parenting that create ground that is fertile enough to accept and use mentoring efforts later in life. They are hand in glove and represent hope for the future.  

YCM Alliance
OASIS Inspection Systems
CHIRON Group, one stop solution for manufacturing.
High Accuracy Linear Encoders
Koma Precision
World Machine Tool Survey
YCM Alliance