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On The Web, July 2005

The Products You Make Better Regular readers of this column know that we profess—loudly and often—that your Web site should not just talk about the machines on your shop floor. It should also focus on the products you make for your customers.


The Products You Make Better

Regular readers of this column know that we profess—loudly and often—that your Web site should not just talk about the machines on your shop floor. It should also focus on the products you make for your customers. The majority of purchasers who reach your site are looking for more about what you can do for them. The best way to serve those needs is to demonstrate what you've done for others—that by being a creative and dependable partner and making parts better, cheaper and more efficiently, you've saved others money. Your site should show as many examples as possible to improve the likelihood that more Web site visits will lead to a contact or sale.

An excellent example of this methodology is the Web site of Genesee Manufacturing ( This Rochester, New York, cutting tool manufacturer doesn't have the most sophisticated site. But take a look at the "case studies" section. There you'll find details of the jobs and projects the company has been involved in, examples of the parts it has helped to make, and particulars of those parts and projects that show the company as a provider of solutions. As a matter of fact, Genesee might reconsider naming that section "solutions" instead.

Notice, too, that the case studies are categorized by industries and products that the company's prospects care about. Not only does this improve the chances of speaking directly to the specific needs of a prospect visiting the site, but it also creates sections into which the company may add more examples regularly. It naturally adds to the site the precise keywords, verbiage and phrases that their prospects search for on the Web.

The site does have a products section—some visitors may be looking for options within the context of an insert. We are not promoting Genesee as a preferred tool supplier, but its site presents a visible and realistic illustration of an element your site should create and develop.

Tooling University Partners

Tooling University ( has recently finalized two partnerships that should strengthen the quality and content of what is already the Web's premier metalworking and manufacturing training services model, as well as the service capabilities of the two partners. Seco-Carboloy ( and Kennametal ( have partnered with TU to create and maintain their individual online education programs. Among other advantages, customers of the partner companies will enjoy customized content from TU, as well as assessment and measurement tools to help monitor the effectiveness of their training programs.

Job Shop Site Of The Month

The MMS Job Shop Site Of The Month will return next month.

To have your site considered for Job Shop Site Of The Month, send your URL to

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