No Longer a Last Resort: Conference Focuses in on Laser Applications
Wednesday’s Industrial Laser Conference is all about lasers, their benefits and applications. Sessions start at 9:30 a.m. in the West Building – so you still have time to register!
The Industrial Laser Conference at IMTS 2022 is packed full of information on laser applications in manufacturing settings. Presented by the Laser Institute of America, the conference is designed to showcase the relevance of lasers in industrial applications such as additive manufacturing, cutting, welding, marking and more.
Rob Mueller, chair of the Industrial Laser Conference at IMTS 2022, says, “In the past, lasers were a manufacturing technology of last resort — if all else fails, try a laser. Now, lasers compete on equal footing against many ‘traditional’ technologies.” This information and education on lasers should be of interest to production specialists and managers, manufacturing specialists and engineers, automation engineers, directors of manufacturing, design engineers, equipment engineers, technicians and more.
The versatility and usability of lasers is appealing to many, and the conference seeks to show how the correct application can promote profits and efficiency while staying competitive in the market. Booths on the IMTS show floor with laser applications are highlighted to show laser usability from a practical standpoint.
Speakers from Massiv Automated Systems, Pratt & Whitney, Coherent Inc., Precitec, SR Laser Consulting, Trumpf Inc., IPG Photonics and more will touch on topics ranging from why to use a laser to selecting the right laser for a business. “The goal,” Mueller adds, “is to educate attendees on the capabilities of lasers in manufacturing, how to investigate possible laser applications relevant to shop floors and successfully bring a new laser application into a facility.” At the end of the conference, a Q&A session will be held so no curiosity, question or inquiry from an attendee goes unanswered.
Located at the West Building of McCormick Place in Room W190B, the conference begins at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, lasting all the way until the reception at 5:00 p.m. with a smattering of breaks and time for lunch at 12:30 p.m.
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