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IMTS: Add Some Unplanned Time

Are you planning for how you will spend your time at IMTS?


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Are you planning for how you will spend your time at IMTS? I wrote a commentary about this for our August 2004 issue that reads like it could have been written today. 2004 was also an IMTS year, and also a year in which we were tired of the lingering impact of a recession. We couldn’t have known how much more tired the country would be just six years later, but that’s another story.

The advice I offered in that column still stands, I think, as the best tip I have to give about how to get the most value from attending IMTS. Namely, in addition to planning time for all the companies you know you want to see, give the show an extra half-day that doesn’t include any plans at all.

Read the article here.

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