Okamoto Total Grinding Solutions

Honing Solves Problem in 1/4-Scale Engine

Gary Conley used honing to solve a problem inside a tiny engine.


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Mr. Conley’s ¼-scale 1923 Ford T-bucket roadster is powered by a working V8 engine.


Honing for hole precision was essential to solving an oil control problem in the tiny engine.


Gary Conley, a renowned metalworking craftsman and the maker of 1/4-scale car engines, became a user of honing when he faced an oil control problem in his engines. He says, “I was having an issue with oil getting pushed into the combustion chamber, and I determined that the solution was a better surface finish in the cylinders.” Makers of full-size engines face similar problems. Mr. Conley says honing was the answer. He uses a machine, tooling and abrasives from honing equipment provider Sunnen.


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