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Datron Shows How to Set Up, Mill and Integrate Faster

Datron Dynamics is showcasing three interactive demonstrations illustrating the theme “Set up feaster, mill faster, integrate faster.”


M8Cube VMC

Datron Dynamics’ booth features three interactive machining demonstrations, two of which involve M8Cube VMCs. Source: Datron Dynamics

“We have a theme for our booth: Set up faster, mill faster, integrate faster,” says Sarah Rondeau, senior marketing coordinator at Datron Dynamics. Following along with the theme, the company is exhibiting three machines, with each one representing a piece of the theme.

For “set up faster,” the company is showcasing a Neo VMC with a vacuum workholding system. “It allows for someone to essentially place the part right onto the vacuum table without the need for clamps or custom fixturing,” Rondeau explains. The Neo is machining knife handle sets that visitors can take home as giveaways.

“Mill faster” is represented by a M8Cube VMC, which is machining an isogrid out of aluminum. “It will hit high RPMs, so visitors will see a lot of chips flying and the spindles spinning quickly,” Rondeau adds. This machine is also demonstrating Datron’s ethanol cooling system, which Rondeau says leaves parts “surgically clean” right out of the machine.

The “integrate faster” demonstration involves another M8Cube, this time with a cobot from Universal Robots that is loading cube-shaped parts into the machine. The machine is running probing routines that show off its intuitive inspection capabilities. This demonstration “shows how seamlessly you can integrate automation with our machines,” Rondeau explains. This includes automation from a range of brands.

Datron has designed these demonstrations so that attendees can engage with each one of them in some way. According to Rondeau, “We want to make our booth as interactive as possible, so visitors aren’t just standing there, watching the machine.”

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DATRON Dynamics will be exhibiting new technology at IMTS 2024 in Chicago, IL this September.

Plan to meet up with their team or get registered here!

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