Bore Gaging Flexibility Boosts Productivity
A key machining operation at the plant is the boring of metal; consequently, improved inner and outer diameter measurement ability is required.
Read MorePCD Tools Get Tough
Contrary to their reputation as tools reserved strictly for finish machining of non-ferrous metals, some polycrystalline diamond (PCD) cutting tools now possess the durability to handle a much wider range of applications.
Read MoreTurning Off-Center Diameters In One Setup
In the past, turned parts with one or more off-center hubs could not be machined in one chucking on a lathe or turning center. Typically, the part had to be rechucked in a special fixture to center the eccentric portions for turning. Parts with more than one eccentric hub required additional refixturing.
Read MoreSoftware Provides The Edge For Toolgrinding
These days, software is increasingly providing the machining skills that once were the domain of experienced operators. This is especially true at cutter grinding shops where complex three-dimensional geometry, difficult materials, extreme tolerances and short lead times are typical.
Read MoreFive Problems With CNC Milling Cutter Radius Compensation
The many rules of programming CNC cutter radius compensation can make machining problems difficult to diagnose and correct.
Read MoreDrilling Deep Holes On A VMC
The recipe for best results is simple: Start with a rigid machine, add a high pressure through-the-spindle coolant system, then combine these with the right drill geometry plus the right speeds and feeds.
Read MoreTool Management System Complements DNC
It quickly became apparent to this company that handling the many tools - knowing where the tools were and how many were available - was the horse, and the DNC system was the cart.
Read MoreThe Dynamics Of Better Drilling
Vibration is at the heart of a variety of common problems in machining holes. Mathematical analysis is helping to bring about a better understanding of hole-making processes...including how these vibrations behave, and what steps to take to bring them under control.
Read MoreReclaiming The Hole-making Process
A shop that had been farming out hole-making operations on oversized components brought this work back in-house after acquiring a large-format, CNC drilling machine. The process now can be done more quickly, at lower costs and on schedule, with many workpieces machined as assemblies instead of separate pieces
Read MoreMulti-Axis Drill Sharpening Made Easy
Today, metalworking is privy to some very remarkable performances by the combination of things mechanical and things electronic--mechtronics. We've seen the reality of lights out shift operations. Programming systems that make what was state of the art 5 years ago seem like writing with a hammer and chisel. An example of the melding of mechtronics is this new drill sharpening system.
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