Parts Cleaning

Parts Cleaning

Environmentally Friendly Bulk Buffing Compound

The Matchless Metal Polish Company’s Match-Vat one-way tote for liquid buffing compounds uses an air bladder to completely force all compound from the 225-gallon cardboard bulk tank. Once empty, this tank can be collapsed and completely disposed of with regular trash. The compound bladder is filled at the factory where no air or contaminates can get in, the company says.

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Parts Cleaning

Rotary Drum Washers Offer Flexibility

The company adds rotary drum washers to its complete line of cleaning equipment. They are designed for high-volume production and cellular processing and are suited for solvent-free cleaning and light to heavy industrial parts processing. Their flexible design allows the end user to incorporate nearly any combinati

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Parts Cleaning

Air Wipe Resists Corrosion And High Temperatures

Exair’s stainless steel Super Air Wipe produces a 360-degree air stream that can blow off, dry, clean or cool the material passing through the center.

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Parts Cleaning

Water-Based Rust Solution Boosts Productivity

Rust and corrosion can be problematic when working with cold rolled steel (CRS). Despite even the most heroic preventive measures, manufacturers report troublesome, rusty parts that can be attributed to seasonal humidity, being located near bodies of salt water, long-term indoor storage, unprotected shipping methods, condensation and coolant residues.

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high-performance systems for efficient parts cleaning
Echoflex modular ultrasonic cleaning machines
Cleaning questions ask Kyzen
Pickelx one step metal prep
Cleaning Technologies Group
Precision Cleaning Solvents
vacuum vapor degreasers
715 Series - 5-axis complete machining
Vacuum Degreasers and Aqueous Solutions