Welding Design Seminars
The company offers welding design seminars led by Mr. Blodgett and Duane K. Miller, Sc.D., P.E. These intensive three-day programs are tailor-made for those charged with improving quality and function while reducing welding costs. Mr. Blodgett's welding design class covers issues such as: determining weld size; controlling distortion; processes and procedures; metallurgy and cracking; fracture mechanics; mechanical properties of welded connections; fatigue loading; shock loading; ductility; non-destructive testing; and cost reduction ideas. This class will be held October 12-14, 2004.
John Barsom, Ph.D. and Stan Rolfe, Ph.D. teach the fracture and fatigue control in structures class. The class will run October 26-28, 2004, and is designed for engineers, designers and metallurgists responsible for: fracture and fatigue control in all types of structures and mechanical equipment; specifying materials and design procedures; and writing specifications to prevent fracture and fatigue in structures.
Each seminar has an equivalent value of 2.0 CEUs, and a discount is offered if three of more individuals from one organization attend the same program. Each program runs from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Tuesday through Thursday in the Welding Technology Center at the world headquarters of The Lincoln Electric Company.