Now available from Cimmetry Systems Corporation, an Agile Software company, AutoView 19.1 is designed to provide a means to view, print and comment on 2D and 3D drawings. According to the company, its native document viewing capability provides customers with the ability to view documents without file conversions and to share information without purchasing software licenses and training services.
The new version adds support for popular 3D formats prevalent in many industries, including Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC). It provides users with the ability to view and collaborate on 2D and 3D drawings with a single solution. Also, many of the upgrades in the new version focus on expanding EDA capabilities. These include NC Drill formats, Cadence Allegro and Concept 15.5, as well as OrCad capture and Layout 10.5, and enhanced Gerber file aperture support.
In addition to these upgrades, new format and product enhancements are included with the software. These include AutoCAD 3D 2000 and up, MicroStation 3D v8 and up, CATIA 5 R16, Solid Edge 18 and enhanced product manufacturing information (PMI) support.
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