Multi-axis machining with Fusion

Software Suites Provide Vertical Measurement Solutions

Verisurf Software’s Faro Solution Suites are a combination of the company’s application modules configured to provide vertical measurement solutions with any Faro device.


Verisurf Software’s Faro Solution Suites are a combination of the company’s application modules configured to provide vertical measurement solutions with any Faro device. The company provides multiple purchase options, including site licenses and subscriptions.

The suites are made up of combinations of modules, including CAD, Measure (for feature measurement), Analysis (for part tolerance verification), Reverse (for creating CAD models from measured parts), Build (for using real-time feedback to guide and position movable tooling details to their nominal positions), and Project (for enabling live pick-and-shoot programming of selected CAD geometry onto any surface).

The company offers four suites: 3D Scanning and Inspection, which includes the CAD, Measure and Analysis modules; 3D Scanning and Reverse Engineering, which includes CAD, Measure and Reverse; Tool Building and Inspection, which includes CAD, Measure and Build; and Laser Projection and Inspection, which includes CAD, Measure and Project.

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