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Software Suite for Manufacturing Data Reporting

The Freedom eWare software suite from Mag is a manufacturing data reporting platform designed to provide feedback on availability, performance and quality from any industrial asset on the plant floor.


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The Freedom eWare software suite from Mag is a manufacturing data reporting platform designed to provide feedback on availability, performance and quality from any industrial asset on the plant floor. The modular, scalable software can generate reports and analytics for maintenance, process optimization and OEE. It is compliant with MTConnect and can interact with smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices.

According to the company, the software is capable of collecting data from any shop floor asset—without modifications to ladder logic or part programming—and transforming that data into actionable information. It includes five modules for logging, analyzing and reporting information: eLog, eScope, eMonitor, eEnergy and eCell. Data is supplied to the five modules via a control-resident eConnect interface that acts as a data collection hub and access point for equipment that uses a PC front-end control. For non-PC-based systems, the interface runs on a hardware applicance with discrete I/O connections to specific machines. 
eLOG uses algorithms based on AMT and VDI standards to categorize time into six different areas. The eSCOPE module provides in-depth machine diagnostics and monitoring utilities. eMONITOR analyzes and displays data on machine and process health, such as vibration, temperature, pressure and spindle/axis current. eENERGY correlates energy consumption trends related to specific machines, programs and tools. Finally, eCELL is cell control software for automated palletized manufacturing systems and parallel processing of parts.


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