Shot-Peening System Reduces Masking Requirements
Comco’s precision shot peening system is designed for demanding production and job shop environments.
Comco’s precision shot peening system is designed for demanding production and job shop environments. The media delivery system enables closed-loop peening with all shot materials at user-specified pressure and flow. The system is said to reduce masking requirements for the shot peening process by blasting through small, accurate nozzles precisely located with respect to the parts. According to the company, this setup ensures that all the media hit the part and are not worn through inefficiency.
The system enables peening with all ferrous and nonferrous media types, and three different sizes of media can be stored for use. As many as five parts can be peened simultaneously, and two shot sizes can be used at the same time. ID peening down to 0.125" is possible. A shot reclamation system includes screen classification to remove oversized and undersized shot to maintain tight control over the sizing of the peening media. Spiral separators deliver only the spherical shot to the peening nozzles to ensure high consistency.