Programmable Safety Laser Scanner Offers Wide Area Coverage
Tapeswitch offers the Sentac Solutions compact UAM-092LP-T302 safety laser scanner for collision prevention, presence detection and intrusion detection.
Tapeswitch offers the Sentek Solutions compact safety laser scanner for collision prevention, presence detection and intrusion detection. The scanner provides a wide area detection zone at 190 degrees and provides a maximum protection range of 2 m and maximum warning range of 10 m, depending on the application. Status indicators on the front of the scanner depict a seven-segment display with the currently selected area and error number in real time. The scanner provides a single protection zone with 16 pattern combinations and two warning zones for complex environments. The program software provides muting configuration capability; a reference boundary feature; and direct, numerical and auto setting drawing method options. Mounting bracket operations are available for both vertical and horizontal mounting.
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