Vacuum Degreasers and Aqueous Solutions

Press Brake For High-Output Environments


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Driven by the combined response of a hydraulic pressure unit and servo motor drive system, the HDS NT series press brakes can achieve the consistent speeds required in high-output environments, according to manufacturer Amada America. To reduce electrical consumption and heat, hydraulic operation is suspended when the ram reaches the top of its stroke. With consistent ram positioning to within 1 micron, the machine can maintain high accuracy levels over a continuous operating period. To prevent uneven bending and increase accuracy, a crowning mechanism consisting of hydraulic sub-cylinders is positioned in the lower beam to add crowning pressure. Additionally, the machine is compatible with modular-style tooling, which allows for hydraulic clamping along the entire length of the bed. 


For bending control at any position, a five-axis backgage provides continuously updated feedback to the PC-based AMNC-PC control. The BendCAM with Dr. ABE software package automatically generates programs, including tool selection and layout, bending sequence and bending data. The control, in conjunction with the vFactory feature, allows users to remotely montior machines. Users can also check operating history, observe patterns between shifts or determine the exact production time required per part or job.



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