Plug-in Optimizes Workflow
MecSoft’s VisualXport 2014 for Inventor is a direct plug-in for Inventor that enables users to export parts in VisualMill-formatted files (.vcp).
Hwacheon Machinery America, Inc.
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View MoreMecSoft’s VisualXport 2014 for Inventor is a direct plug-in for Inventor that enables users to export parts in VisualMill-formatted files (.vcp). It is intended to enhance workflow for companies that use Inventor for design and VisualMill in the manufacturing process. The plug-in can be used to export 2D and 3D sketches (curves), solids with combined faces, solids with separate faces and individual surfaces. Solids and surfaces can also be exported as NURBS surfaces. The plug-in is certified to run inside Inventor versions 2011 through 2014, and is compatible with 32- and 64-bit architectures.
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